Countering the erasure of African women's voices in Public policy

...of often excluded narratives

About Us
We believe that policy is ensued in power and often excludeS women and girls while privileging various agents of patriarchy. The Coloured Beads Archival exists to identify and preserve the diverse perspectives and honour legacies of frontline women who are often excluded in policy spaces and conversations in Africa. 
Join Our Mission
The Coloured Beads seeks to counter systemic erasure through knowledge and voice organising


Engaging policy issues affecting women and girls centring indigenous ways of knowing, enhancing visibility and facilitating the ushering of new voices and perspectives


Bodies, minds and hearts communing together on the ways erasure finds itself in the communities of action led by African women and girls and inspiring each other to act.


Visibilising diverse identities and the change created by African women and girls in countering systemic erasure in policy processes and spaces

Abasamia Khwehoye!
Abasamia Khwehoye! is a tribal archival project of the Coloured Beads. It profiles, archives and showcases the diverse identities of the Samia peoples of Uganda. Using diverse tools, the initiative connects the defining stories, language, symbolism and arts of the Samia peoples to our communities and to the rest of the world.
  • Manhattan, New York, NY, United States